Activity Offerings


Bala Vihar® is a weekly gathering of children ages 4 to 15 that takes place in Chinmaya Mission Centers under the supervision of trained teachers. The aim of Bala Vihar® is to help children bloom and grow, as well as inculcate values through fun-filled activities. Bala Vihar® enhances the overall development of children’s personalities at all levels — physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. The mission of Bala Vihar® is to help children learn values with fun, to delight like the moon and shine like the sun.

CMLA Bala Vihar®

CMLA Bala Vihar® began in the mid-80s, founded and conducted by Mahadevanji and his wife Viji Mahadevan for over a decade. By the early-90s it grew in size and by 1996 most Bala Vihar® students found their ‘Bala Vihar® home’ in a new facility known as Chinmaya Kasi. The number of children grew more than the facility could hold, leading to the purchase in 2005 of a second facility in Tustin, named Chinmaya Mithila. In 2010, to meet the ever-growing demand for Bala Vihar® classes in Southern California, Bala Vihar® from both facilities merged into Chinmaya Rameshwaram in the city of Tustin. Presently over 800 students in 2 sessions (830 am & 1130 am on Sundays) study in Chinmaya Rameshwaram alone, with another 350 Bala Vihar® students in the CMLA Chapters.


Register here for the upcoming Bala Vihar classes.

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current_time( 'mysql', 1 ) returns GMT: 2025-01-22 05:22:07
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