Activity Offerings

Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (CHYK) came into existence in May 1975 as an offshoot of a week-long teenagers’ camp organized by Chinmaya Mission Bangalore, India. Sixty youth between the ages of 17 and 25 years who participated in the camp and believed in its usefulness for others their age formed the nucleus. Chinmaya Mission Bangalore institutionalized the concept and provided a firm foundation. This new venture combines the needs of youth with the study of Vedanta, the science of personality development and human potential. into the delicate world of volatile youth is the outcome of sustained interest shown by a small number of inspired youngsters towards Vedanta. In extending these teachings to the next generation, CHYK is another step in the realization of the vision for which Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda worked and His dedicated and committed disciples continue to do so today.


CHYK West, the North American chapter of CHYK, strives to unite young adults by providing a forum to explore, discuss, and practice Vedanta while strengthening their lives in every endeavor. The objectives of this organization are several and include the following:

  • To provide a spiritual forum for the age group ranging from post-high school to young professionals
  • To introduce the message of Vedanta to those interested
  • To unite members of this organization spiritually and professionally through satsang and community service
  • To build and develop future leaders for Chinmaya Mission
  • To act as a resource for the Mission family and the community at-large working with and supporting an existing establishment
  • To unite and communicate with CHYK centers worldwide in an effort to stimulate the Global CHYK movement

Youth are not useless, they are used-less;
they are not careless, they are cared-less!

– Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda

Calling youth to attend YuvaGita class online with Swami Ishwarananda!

Weekly online discussion on Bhagavad-Gita for youth 

Wednesdays 7:30 pm PST

Click here for videos

From residential retreats and one-day workshops, to seminars and debates, CHYKs around the world have continued to think outside the box and organize unique, creative events to help unfurl all of one’s personality layers: physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual.


While CHYK events differ enormously in style and content, a positive and uplifting energy characterizes every CHYK activity and pervades event organizers and participants alike. All CHYK special events are coordinated under the auspices of Chinmaya Mission’s host of Acharyas, who constantly motivate, guide, and strengthen CHYKs on their journey of inner spirtuality and evolution.


For more details about CHYK please visit:

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