Activity Offerings

Hari Om !


Guru Dakshina is the tradition to make an offering or gift to the Guru as a mark of our sincere gratitude and respect for the sacred knowledge imparted to us. However, it is not a mere “payment” by any means. In addition to the gratitude for the Guru, offering dakshina marks our willingness to detach from the worldly attachments. Since money creates strong attachments, fear, delusion, greed etc. in our minds, therefore by offering money, we consciously chip away the strength of this attachment. Thus, the ultimate beneficiary of the offering is the one who makes the offering.

Alternatively, you may make the payment by a U.S. bank check payable to ‘CMLA’ and write ‘Guru Dakshina’ in the memo. Mail it to:

Chinmaya Mission Los Angeles

14451 Franklin Ave

Tustin, CA 92780-7012


All donations are eligible for tax donation receipts at the end of the year. For any queries related to donations, contact


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